i took a picture of the San Agustin Church in Manila in the dark. i was really surpised because this is how it came out, with lots of orbs hovering about... some give these orbs paranormal implications while some just say that these are just dust particles caught by the camera... any which way, it looked spooky!
Nice photo of the church. The orbs make it spooky and a perfect dark photo.
Happy Photohunting.
My first photohunter photo is up.
Photohunter from Mumbai
Great photo. It's almost like the Texas Alamo.
Mine's posted. Stop by if you can. You can see a dark sinister creature. [kidding of course] Have a super weekend.
The church looks wonderful against the dark night and I love the orbs.
hello! thanks for dropping in at my site. hope to see you around more often. :)
I love that church!
Thanks for stopping by. I love the architecture on many of the old churches. So fun.
There is a lot in common in the architechture in all the places the Spanish explored. Someone mentioned the Alamo, also the missions in Californianand lots of churches in Mexico.
looks like it's snowing. hehehe.
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